Exploring the Top Rated Restaurants in Sacramento for an Unforgettable Culinary Experience

Top Rated Restaurants in Sacramento

  Get ready to tantalize your taste buds and embark on a culinary journey through the vibrant city of Sacramento. With an array of top-rated restaurants catering to every palate, this California capital has become a haven for food enthusiasts seeking an unforgettable dining experience. From charming bistros to upscale eateries, there is something for … Read more

Top Three Hikes in Sacramento

Hidden Falls Hiking Trail

  Top Three Hikes in Sacramento Are you looking for something to do this weekend? Don’t want to drive two hours to find a nice hike? Auburn is no more than thirty minutes away from Sacramento and boasts plentiful trails for hiking and mountain biking. Sometimes it’s hard to find the perfect hike to go … Read more

Best Outdoor Meditation Locations near Sacramento

feng shui medtation rocks

What is meditation? From Wikipedia  “Meditation is a practice in which an individual uses a technique – such as mindfulness, or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity – to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state.[1][2][3][4][web 1][web 2] Meditation is practiced in numerous … Read more

Best Vegan Restaurants in Roseville CA

Best Vegan restaurants in Roseville Zest

In this post we are going to go through some of our top picks for vegan restaurants in Roseville CA.   We aren’t necessarily vegan but we fell in love with some vegan dishes our friends introduced us too and we became interested in finding the best vegan restaurants in Roseville.   If you know … Read more

Best Escape Room in Sacramento

Best Escape Room Sacramento

  What is the Best Escape Room in Sacramento? In this post we will be reviewing the best escape rooms in Sacramento. We took the time to visit each room and payed close attention to all the little details so we can write about what sets each room apart.  I really didn’t know much about … Read more

Sacramento’s Best Snow Sport Shops

Going up to the enjoy the snowy mountains? Having all the right gear to stay warm and at your best, as we all know, is crucial. We put together a list of local companies to get all the right gear for either a day trip to see the snow, such as snow boots, snow pants, … Read more